What are you planting on World Bee Day?
Planting a range of bee-friendly plants and protecting pollinators is the focus of this year’s World Bee Day on Saturday, May 20.

NZ Bee Population in Decline
The number of bee colonies in New Zealand is plunging, with more than 97,000 colonies lost last winter, according to a Landcare Research survey released last week.

The Great Escape
Our e-keeper topic for this week is escaping the honey boxes. If the bees are taken away with the honey supers, they will become disorientated, not be able to find their hive and die. They need to be escaped safely to remain with the beehive.

Tees For Bees
The Ministry for Primary Industries has released a handbook offering practical guidance on how to plant strategically to feed bees, in an effort to ensure a wide range of flowering plants in spring and autumn, when bees are most at risk of pollen and nectar shortages.

The Honeybee in NZ
A very brief introduction to the history of the honeybee in NZ.