Why Bees?
We invite you to join us on our journey of learning
and having a direct impact on growing NZ’s precious bee population.
Humans can’t live without our precious bees who pollinate over 75% of all flowering plants and over a third of world food crops. But the world’s (and NZ’s) bee population is struggling due to pesticides, disease, loss of habitat and climate change.
The European honeybee was introduced into NZ in 1839. By the 1860’s honeybee population was increasing and Māori were the country’s first commercial beekeepers. Our bees now form a critical backbone of our food production.
“Honeybee health is crucial because bees are the foundation of agricultural production in the New Zealand economy.”
The Beekeeper’s Daughters is the result of wanting to advocate for small things that need help to keep doing the important job they do – learning along the way and earning from all the hard work.
“We love the idea of supporting kiwi bees and really enjoy following their progress over the season. Sharing our honey with customers is the cherry on the top.”
Principal Consultant, South Canterbury
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